How Cosplay Helped Me Win a Sexy Girl

It wasn’t long after my break up with my long time girlfriend that I got intrigued by the cosplay dating scene. In truth, I’d always been turned on by the thought of role playing famous superhero or comic villains in a way that leads to romance.

But alas, the cosplay scene and community are intimidating. While it may feel easy to dress up as Batman and walk about a convention floor, that doesn’t 100% inject one into the scene. There’s a level of authenticity needed. That said, here’s how I got my romance on at my first cosplay convention.

How Cosplay Helped Me Win a Sexy Girl

I Educated Myself On Cosplay

It’s important to read and learn and not just roll into town guns blazing. No one will buy it. I started by reading an informative cosplay dating guide that helped me understand what I needed to do in order to fit in.

I also joined a cosplay subreddit which helped me understand how the community interacted with one another.

I didn’t want to appear to be a fraud.

I Learned To Knit

Boy, howdy. I sure as heck never thought I’d learn to knit. The honest truth is, I don’t love it and I’ve never became great at it.

Those with high power knitting skills are not only able to produce amazing authentic costumes, but the community also embraces those who put forth real effort.

For the record, I am now only able to add on to costumes, not fully create them. However, when I attended my first cosplay convention in San Diego, I was at least able to show I’m worth and care.

I Was Bold With My Character

I know, that sounds like a beer commercial headline.

But trust me, it’s not.

I wanted to choose a character that was impactful and something I felt passionate about.

I chose The Joker. The downside to doing that is that at San Diego’s cosplay convention, there are many amazing plays on The Joker. But in the end, it’s best to opt for cosplaying a character you have a good understanding of and passion for.

I Engaged…And Then Engaged More

One thing I learned about cosplay is that it helps those of us who are more introverted become more social. There’s something about being a comic character that lends itself to becoming a more engaging person.

Because I was able to talk to more girls freely and we had an automatic talking point (you can immediately discuss your cosplay character), I interacted with far more cool girls.

In San Diego, I ended up meeting an awesome, sexy girl. In San Diego, she was a sexy little red riding hood. Today, she’s Lisa, and we attend a lot of cool cosplay conventions together.


Be bold, learn to knit, and pick a cosplay character that matters to you. Attend a cosplay convention and use your costume as an ice breaker that ushers away your typical introverted demeanor.

Most of all, have fun! Cosplay is super awesome cool stuff.