How to Be a Guy That Women Desire on Free Fuck Sites

Now, the title of this blog post might throw you off. It may almost seem like I’m talking about being a guy that women would fall in love with. Of course, you know that’s not true. There’s a reason why people use free fuck sites. They’re not there for love. They’re not there for emotional commitment and connections. They are the types of people who say fuck emotional connections. They don’t want any emotional strings attached. They just want raw, clean, nasty, sticky, sweaty, smelly sex. What’s wrong with that?

There’s no shame in that game. I mean, all of us have key drives that we live with. We have a drive to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom. We also have a drive to remain sheltered. Believe it or not, we also have a drive for sex. The more you deny that fact to yourself, the more fucked up the rest of your life can be. If you have emotional issues or you’re a very negative person, or you have certain problems from your past, it’s due to the fact that you’re probably suppressing a key aspect of your personhood.

People who go to have overcome that bullshit, and that’s why it’s a very free place. Now, it’s not for everybody. Keep in mind that some people are very free and open minded but they’re not big on just banging random strangers, fine. But if that’s your thing, make sure that you have the right mindset, and a key part of this mindset is to be free of needing emotional strains.

You may have a girlfriend or a wife already and you get your emotional sustenance from her. That’s good, as long as she’s cool with the fact that you’re banging all these anonymous chicks on the side, then there will be no problems. Now, if you’re lying to her and hiding shit from her, then not only are you fucking her up, but you’re fucking yourself up. You’re turning into a scumbag. You’re fucking up your character.

