The hidden dangers of free local sex

It’s easy to see the upside of local sex. It really is. I mean you would have to be a completely blind person to overlook the benefits of local sex. Of course there’s the sex part, but there’s also the sense of adventure, the sense of mystery, and also, you get to step out of your comfort zone. You get to explore a different side of your personality as well as step into the worlds of different people. It can be a thrilling thing. There’s definitely a lot of potential for a great time on

The hidden dangers of free local sex

With that said, there’s also a tremendous amount of danger. I’m not talking about physical danger like you hooking up with a stranger that ends up killing you or harming you in some fashion or other. While there will always be the case and there’s always a chance of that, there is a bigger danger out there. The bigger danger is the threat to your local reputation. Remember this type of sexual action is local. In other words, you are essentially trying to meet up with people in your geographic area. This opens a can of worms as far as dangers to your reputation once your identity gets out there.

You wouldn’t want to put yourself in a position where you established a solid local reputation as a lawyer, doctor, dentist or what have you. Maybe in ten to twenty years, you’d like to run for office or maybe if you’re a teacher you’d like to become a principal. Whatever the case may be, you wouldn’t want the things that you do now to haunt you long into the future. To avoid any of that, you might want to redefine local sex as sex located thirty to fifty miles from where you are.